Now, more than ever, people are longing for connection, comfort and a sense of community. At Beth Donovan Hospice we are striving to grow our “Network of Support” by offering a variety of complimentary programs for those seeking community in their grief and bereavement journey. These programs will aim to support this need for connection and will be available for clients, family, caregivers, volunteers, and our community.
Counselling Services
Individual, family and group therapy is provided by a Certified Counsellor to those diagnosed with a life-limiting disease, or anyone in the community who has been bereaved.
Support and Share Groups
Bereavement Support Groups:
Througout the year a variety of bereavement support groups are offered.
The next session starts on August 20 What to do when there is no "normal" A Grief Support Group
To find out more contact Megan: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 613-258-9611 Ext 4
Caregiver Coffee:
Therapeutic Creative Arts Programs
No special skills necessary; just an open mind and open heart to what this experience could offer you.
- Dance/Movement Programs
- Music Programs
- Therapeutic Creative Arts Programs
Health and Wellness Programs
Meditation Sessions:
Guided Journaling:
Spirtual Journey:
Spirituality has to do with how we make sense of the world, including how we connect to ourselves, to each other. For some, spirituality is nurtured and expressed within the context of faith and religion. Some find their spirituality reflected in many other ways such as the love of family, pets, gardening, music, art or the wonders of nature. Our team offers many spiritual support services to residents and family members, inclusive to people of all faiths, cultures and beliefs.
Healing Garden
Expanded Learning Programs
Death Cafe: Breathing Life into Conversations about Death.
Death Cafe is a global movement found in over 66 countries. It's goal is to educate and help others become more familiar with end of life.It is an opportunity to:
Participate in meaningful discussions about death.
Increase awareness of death
Help people make the most of their (finite) lives.
Discuss death as a natural part of our lives.
Educational Presentations
Book Club
Our Informed Consent and Agreement
to Counselling Services Form